AMU155 Urgent Grooves 8
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Dark, beat-driven, high energy news styles with easy edit points for show opens and closes, promos, bumpers, and teases.  Good for any application involving intense action or high drama.
101:56Critical DiplomacyAlarming and Desperate. Mallets and piano with low register accents and low brass theme
Composer(s) Flavio Lemelle (ASCAP)
Publisher(s) Cambria Arts Music (ASCAP)
Keyword(s) Urgent, Compelling, Energetic, Hi-Energy, Intense, Exciting, News, Chase, Disaster, Sports, Escape, Dangerous, Driving, Pulsing, Building, Cinematic, Hard-Hitting, Distorted, Frenetic, Explosive, Confident, Animated, Overdrive, Lively, Suspenseful, Turbulent, Dynamic, Dramatic, Tense
Tempo Very-Fast
BPM 144
3100:32FULL30Alarming and Desperate. Mallets and piano with low register accents and low brass theme
202:02Cash CrisisInsistent and Thematic. Captivating, accented string motif with dramatic build
Composer(s) George Gabriel (BMI)
Publisher(s) Amusicom Publishing (BMI)
Keyword(s) Urgent, Powerful, Energetic, Hi-Energy, Intense, Exciting, News, Action, Chase, Disaster, Sports, Escape, Dangerous, Driving, Pulsing, Building, Cinematic, Hard-Hitting, Distorted, Frenetic, Explosive, Confident, Animated, Overdrive, Lively, Suspenseful, Turbulent, Dynamic, Dramatic, Tense, Prestige, Bold
Tempo Very-Fast
BPM 152
3200:31FULL30Insistent and Thematic. Captivating, accented string motif with dramatic build
302:08Furious RaceDire and Forceful. Pulsing synths and mallets, with heavy rhythm and tense chords
Composer(s) Danny Curtis Pelfrey (BMI), Nancy Lee Pelfrey (ASCAP)
Publisher(s) Amusicom Publishing (BMI), Cambria Arts Music (ASCAP)
Keyword(s) Urgent, Powerful, Energetic, Hi-Energy, Intense, Exciting, News, Action, Disaster, Sports, Escape, Dangerous, Driving, Building, Cinematic, Hard-Hitting, Distorted, Frenetic, Explosive, Confident, Animated, Overdrive, Lively, Turbulent, Dynamic, Dramatic, Tense, Prestige, Bold
Tempo Very-Fast
BPM 140
3300:33FULL30Dire and Forceful. Pulsing synths and mallets, with heavy rhythm and tense chords
402:02Bronx To Wall StreetPanicky and Frenzied. Blistering bass and driving percussion with nimble strings
Composer(s) George Gabriel (BMI)
Publisher(s) Amusicom Publishing (BMI)
Keyword(s) Urgent, Frenetic, Energetic, Hi-Energy, Intense, Exciting, News, Bulletins, Action, Chase, Sports, Escape, Driving, Pulsing, Building, Cinematic, Dynamic, Hard-Hitting, Lively, Confident, Animated, Overdrive, Turbulent, Explosive, Tense, Dramatic
Tempo Very-Fast
BPM 137
3400:33FULL30Panicky and Frenzied. Blistering bass and driving percussion with nimble strings
502:13Information AlertStriking and Dazzling. Sparkling synth and guitar tapestry into punchy rhythm
Composer(s) Danny Curtis Pelfrey (BMI), Nancy Lee Pelfrey (ASCAP)
Publisher(s) Amusicom Publishing (BMI), Cambria Arts Music (ASCAP)
Keyword(s) Urgent, Powerful, Energetic, Cool, Confident, News, Bulletins, Chase, Sports, Escape, Driving, Building, Cinematic, Dynamic, Distorted, Lively, Overdrive, Hi-Energy, Turbulent, Exciting, Animated, Prestige, Bold, Optimistic, Motivational, Dramatic
Tempo Very-Fast
BPM 137
3500:32FULL30Striking and Dazzling. Sparkling synth and guitar tapestry into punchy rhythm
601:59News DayExcited and Bright. Rapid voices, driving beat with hits and edgy effects
Composer(s) Danny Curtis Pelfrey (BMI), Nancy Lee Pelfrey (ASCAP)
Publisher(s) Amusicom Publishing (BMI), Cambria Arts Music (ASCAP)
Keyword(s) Urgent, Powerful, Energetic, Cool, Confident, News, Bulletins, Action, Chase, Sports, Escape, Driving, Pulsing, Building, Dynamic, Distorted, Lively, Overdrive, Hi-Energy, Turbulent, Exciting, Animated, Prestige, Bold, Optimistic, Motivational, Dramatic
Tempo Very-Fast
BPM 172
3600:32FULL30Excited and Bright. Rapid voices, driving beat with hits and edgy effects
701:55Dramatic EscapeBold and Cinematic. Driving strings, drums and orchestral theme
Composer(s) Danny Curtis Pelfrey (BMI), Nancy Lee Pelfrey (ASCAP)
Publisher(s) Amusicom Publishing (BMI), Cambria Arts Music (ASCAP)
Keyword(s) Urgent, Powerful, Energetic, Intense, Exciting, News, Chase, Disaster, Sports, Escape, Dangerous, Driving, Pulsing, Building, Cinematic, Hard-Hitting, Distorted, Frenetic, Explosive, Confident, Overdrive, Suspenseful, Lively, Turbulent, Dynamic, Prestige, Bold
Tempo Medium-Fast
BPM 154
3700:33FULL30Bold and Cinematic. Driving strings, drums and orchestral theme
802:23On The BrinkAgitated and Distraught. Nervous piano and percussion with rising orchestration and choir
Composer(s) Danny Curtis Pelfrey (BMI), Nancy Lee Pelfrey (ASCAP)
Publisher(s) Amusicom Publishing (BMI), Cambria Arts Music (ASCAP)
Keyword(s) Urgent, Compelling, Energetic, Hi-Energy, Intense, Exciting, News, Action, Chase, Disaster, Escape, Dangerous, Military, Driving, Pulsing, Building, Cinematic, Hard-Hitting, Distorted, Frenetic, Explosive, Confident, Animated, Overdrive, Lively, Suspenseful, Turbulent, Dynamic, Bulletins, Sports, Prestige, Bold, Powerful, Dramatic
Tempo Fast
BPM 146
3800:33FULL30Agitated and Distraught. Nervous piano and percussion with rising orchestration and choir
902:13Incident XAnxious and Ominous. Percussion and synths, climbing chords, chime and piano theme
Composer(s) George Gabriel (BMI)
Publisher(s) Amusicom Publishing (BMI)
Keyword(s) Urgent, Anxious, Energetic, Intense, Exciting, News, Disaster, Action, Sports, Escape, Driving, Building, Cinematic, Hard-Hitting, Frenetic, Explosive, Dramatic, Suspenseful, Dynamic, Tense, Emotional
Tempo Fast
BPM 140
3900:33FULL30Anxious and Ominous. Percussion and synths, climbing chords, chime and piano theme
1002:00Drama StreetEdgy and Grim. Gritty drums and percussion, agitated synths and rhythm interludes
Composer(s) Danny Curtis Pelfrey (BMI), Nancy Lee Pelfrey (ASCAP)
Publisher(s) Amusicom Publishing (BMI), Cambria Arts Music (ASCAP)
Keyword(s) Urgent, Edgy, Energetic, Hi-Energy, Intense, Aggressive, News, Action, Chase, Disaster, Sports, Escape, Dangerous, Driving, Pulsing, Building, Hard-Hitting, Distorted, Frenetic, Explosive, Confident, Overdrive, Suspenseful, Lively, Dramatic, Tense, Power, Prestige, Determined
Tempo Medium
BPM 104
4000:32FULL30Edgy and Grim. Gritty drums and percussion, agitated synths and rhythm interludes
1101:58With AuthorityPropulsive and High-strung. Aggressive drums, rapid-fire synths, and piano theme
Composer(s) Flavio Lemelle (ASCAP)
Publisher(s) Cambria Arts Music (ASCAP)
Keyword(s) Urgent, Edgy, Energetic, Hi-Energy, Intense, Aggressive, News, Action, Chase, Disaster, Sports, Escape, Dangerous, Driving, Pulsing, Building, Pounding, Hard-Hitting, Distorted, Frantic, Lively, Explosive, Confident, Overdrive, Frenetic, Suspenseful, Dynamic, Dramatic, Tense, Power, Prestige, Determined
Tempo Fast
BPM 160
4100:32FULL30Propulsive and High-strung. Aggressive drums, rapid-fire synths, and piano theme
1202:07DeadlockBreathtaking and Daring. Big accented string theme with orchestral exchanges
Composer(s) Danny Curtis Pelfrey (BMI), Nancy Lee Pelfrey (ASCAP)
Publisher(s) Amusicom Publishing (BMI), Cambria Arts Music (ASCAP)
Keyword(s) Urgent, Compelling, Energetic, Hi-Energy, Intense, Exciting, News, Competition, Disaster, Escape, Dangerous, Military, Driving, Pulsing, Building, Cinematic, Hard-Hitting, Frenetic, Explosive, Confident, Overdrive, Suspenseful, Lively, Turbulent, Dynamic, Bulletins, Sports, Prestige, Bold, Powerful
Tempo Medium-Fast
BPM 148
4200:31FULL30Breathtaking and Daring. Big accented string theme with orchestral exchanges
1302:07Internal IntrigueConcerned and Pensive. Staccato winds and strings with percussion
Composer(s) Danny Curtis Pelfrey (BMI), Nancy Lee Pelfrey (ASCAP)
Publisher(s) Amusicom Publishing (BMI), Cambria Arts Music (ASCAP)
Keyword(s) Pensive, Urgent, Energetic, Solemn, Science & Tech, Forensics, Expedition, Futuristic, Espionage, Pulsing, Suspenseful, Atmospheric, Minimal, Building, Dynamic, Dramatic, Serious, Tense
Tempo Medium
BPM 154
4300:32FULL30Concerned and Pensive. Staccato winds and strings with percussion
1401:52Frantic PursuitSignificant and Precarious. Orchestral accents over driving bed and percolating synths
Composer(s) Danny Curtis Pelfrey (BMI), Nancy Lee Pelfrey (ASCAP)
Publisher(s) Amusicom Publishing (BMI), Cambria Arts Music (ASCAP)
Keyword(s) Urgent, Anxious, Energetic, Hi-Energy, Intense, Exciting, News, Disaster, Chase, Sports, Escape, Driving, Pulsing, Building, Pounding, Hard-Hitting, Frenetic, Explosive, Dramatic, Suspenseful, Dynamic, Tense, Emotional, Prestige, Bold, Powerful
Tempo Very-Fast
BPM 160
4400:32FULL30Significant and Precarious. Orchestral accents over driving bed and percolating synths
1502:09Contingency PlanCrucial and Uneasy. Very tense string theme and pounding percussion bed
Composer(s) Flavio Lemelle (ASCAP)
Publisher(s) Cambria Arts Music (ASCAP)
Keyword(s) Urgent, Sinister, Energetic, Hi-Energy, Intense, Aggressive, News, Action, Chase, Disaster, Sports, Escape, Dangerous, Driving, Pulsing, Building, Pounding, Hard-Hitting, Distorted, Frantic, Lively, Explosive, Confident, Animated, Frenetic, Overdrive, Suspenseful, Dynamic, Dramatic, Tense, Power, Prestige, Determined
Tempo Very-Fast
BPM 166
4500:32FULL30Crucial and Uneasy. Very tense string theme and pounding percussion bed